Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Q&A Time

Well, I came in to work very early today to open the building for someone. I may as well use the quiet time to share the questionnaire from SusanBeth. Grab a coffee and enjoy some 'interesting' tidbits about me, though you probably already know them if you're reading the blog.
1. Where were you born:  Los Gatos, CA - Home was in San Jose, but the hospital was a town over in Los Gatos.
2. Were you named after someone? I share Elizabeth with my great grandmother on my mom's side and my dad's sister (even though she uses a shortened version). My middle name comes from a young woman in our church family. My parents were youth counselors when my brother and I were born and we both picked up a name from one of the youth who my parents felt extra special about. I think that Karen was also friends with my older sisters, just good family friends as a whole, even though I have no recollection of knowing her.
3.  If you have children, how many.  None today and most likely none ever, a reality that has slowly sunk in as the best choice for us. However I love kids, so should one day we have one on the way we'll jump for joy.
4. How many pets do I have?  We have a bit a menagerie. 2 dogs, Molly & Zeus; 3 roosters; 4 hens; a bearded dragon Elliot (aka Mr. Dragon); a cockroach colony (I count them as pets, but really they are dragon food); and this coming weekend we will most likely be adding a couple of bunnies!
5. What was my worst injury?  I've never broken a bone or had stitches, but when I was 5 I had a fairly dramatic bike accident. I had just mastered the art of riding my brother's bmx bike, which was too big for me, and as I was crossing the street (without a helmet - we didn't wear them back then) I turned back to pridefully look at my friend, unfortunately I missed the driveway I was aiming for and instead ran right into the curb. I was thrown over the handlebars where I hit my head on a tree and smashed my face back down onto the curb. Miraculously no broken bones, though my nose did kind of shift on my face for a while. I did wind up with a nasty black eye and a concussion. Though I've always been a bit of a hypochondriac I've never had too much really go wrong, though I have countless scares on my knees from a myriad of other childhood bike and scooter accidents, my memory is that my knees always had a giant scab on them from the ages of 5-10 or something like that.
The post bike accident shiner - I also lost a tooth soon after, adding to my really winning look.
6. Do I have any special talents?  Nothing that is ever going to win me a prize. I always wanted to be super talented, but I am tone-deaf, and never seem to have success with art projects coming out the way I envision them. I guess I would want to be talented in one of those areas. I am really good at a lot of everyday things and a hard worker, so it's not like I have nothing to be proud of - I'm just not full of super special talents.
7. What is your favorite thing to bake?  Cookies!! My sweet tooth loves them. They are the thing that I baked with mom regularly. Gingersnaps are a tradition, but I'm also known around work for bringing in batches of Oatmeal Scotchies.
8. What is my favorite fast food?  I'm trying to be good about it, but the reality is that I have a weakness for fast food, just as I do cookies. I love Chicken McNuggets, Jack in the Box Tacos, and a good old Burrito Supreme from Taco Bell. Thankfully I've been able to curb these hankerings recently, but I still love them!

9. Would I bungee jump?  Heck yes! I'd probably scream the whole way and be convinced that my harness is about to break, but I'd absolutely do it. My husband helps me be a bit of a dare devil. We went para-sailing in Hawaii and if I survived not falling out of my harness some 700 feet above the Pacific, I figure I can handle bungee jumping off a bridge or something.
Jacob and I way up high!
10. What is the first thing you notice about people?  This is a very judgy answer (and I probably wouldn't want someone else to be thinking this way about me) but I think kind of a general assessment of whether or not people seem to 'have it together'. Are they clean, presentable, smiling, friendly looking? 
11. When was the last time I cried?  I cried at my desk last week looking a photo collection from a very large funeral for two Santa Cruz police officers who were murdered in the line of duty. Here is the Mercury News gallery that brought the tears.
12. Any current worries? Always. I recently heard that only something like 8% of our worries actually come to impact our life. Time to let them go and move on. Here's a summary of worries... stop worrying!
13. Name 3 drinks you drink regularly.  Coke Zero, my protein/espresso drink, and water. Trying to work on the water consumption coming in at #1.
14. What is your favorite book?  As an English major I feel obligated to pick a truly literary title, Steinbeck's East of Eden is that title. But a book that really spoke to me would be Baby by Patricia MacLachlan. The book I am most likely to read over and over again is Twilight.
15. Would you like to be a pirate? No. I'm pretty sure I don't have it in me. But I wouldn't mind sailing around the Caribbean.
16. What are your favorite smells?  Molly's toes. Sounds gross I know, but somehow they smell like popcorn. I also love the smell of baking things and the wet foggy air of an early morning at the beach.
17. Why do you blog?  Mostly as a vehicle to share things with family, particularly my non facebook using family.

18. What song do you want played at your funeral?  I have never given this a thought. I suppose I would want what are hymns that have an additional nostalgic meaning for me. Like Abide With Me, A Mighty Fortress is Our God. And the Benediction, as I was raised on it.

19. What is your least favorite thing about yourself?  I lack consistency in following through on my goals.

20. What is your favorite hobby?  Reading, if you call that a hobby. I've been brokenhearted about it though, as recently I can't seem to ever keep my eyes open to read more than 5 pages at a time. I used to be a marathon reader and would finish multiple books a week, right now I am working on the same book for the third month. It's not that I don't like the book, because I do, it's just that it seems the only time I ever get to open up the pages is at 11:30pm and I just can't keep going.

21. What do you look for in a friend?  Realness, similar interests, sharing a sense of humor.
22. Name something you have done that you never thought you would do.  Running. I never actually thought I would be able to call myself a runner. I always sold myself short on physical ability, so it's a surprise to actually be sticking with running for this long.
23. What are your favorite things to do?  Kayak, run, just be home surrounded by the things that make me happy.
24. Any pet peeves?  People who don't take responsibility for themselves. Rather than try to better their situation they get angry at others for not being in the same situation. It's not fair to anyone to view the world this way.
25. What is the last thing that made you laugh?  Jacob talking back to the TV. He always surprises me with his wit!

1 comment:

Susan Beth said...

I knew that bike accident would be your big injury - the photo does not do it justice!