Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Rabbits, Roosters, Running

The formal bunny introduction... They are half lop eared and half lion head. The lion head is what makes the two so extra fluffy around the face. We wanted to name the three of them with a common denominator, so we went with cafe: Mocha, Latte, & Machiatto. They are now about 10 weeks old, don't yet know if we have all boys, all girls, or a combo. They live on a ledge outside the kitchen window for now, J is working on a proper hutch. The window spot is fun, cause we can watch them all the time; I'll miss seeing them when we move them out to the hutch.
Mocha in front, Latte in the back, Machiatto on the right.
We really practiced our homesteading skills this weekend. We dispatched the two young roosters that we had hatched in the fall. These two were getting more and more aggressive to the hens and with their crowing. We've been talking about doing this for a while, and finally took the time to do it. I won't get gory, but it was an interesting experience to say the least, but not as I had expected.
Rooster #1

Not to waste the bird, today we had some rooster noodle soup. Cooked in the crock pot and came out yummy. People talk about rooster meat being tough or chewy, but it was good for us. That said I might not barbecue a rooster in the future, I think the soup process was good for it.

Side note... no running updates recently, more to come soon. Fell off the wagon, back on now... Only 5 weeks to go for the half marathon!

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